From the Depths Wiki

Properties[ | ]

Fleet[ | ]

FleetInfo Fleet (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Information about the ship's fleet.

FleetIndex[ | ]

Int32 FleetIndex (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Position of the ship within the fleet.

IsFlagship[ | ]

Boolean IsFlagship (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Is the ship a flagship within the fleet?

ResourceZones[ | ]

ResourceZoneInfo[] ResourceZones (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Information about nearby resource zones

Resources[ | ]

ResourceInfo Resources (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Information about the ship's available resources.

Waypoint[ | ]

Vector3 Waypoint (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
The ship's fleet movement waypoint

IdealFleetPosition[ | ]

Vector3 IdealFleetPosition
Added in version 1.945.
Relative position of the ship compared to the flagship.

IdealFleetRotation[ | ]

Quaternion IdealFleetRotation
Added in version 1.945.
Relative rotation of the ship compared to the flagship.

AIMode[ | ]

String AIMode (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
Mode of the AI mainframe

ConstructType[ | ]

String ConstructType
Added in version 1.945.
AI's concept of what type of craft this ship is (naval, aerial, fortress, none).

BlueprintSpawners[ | ]

BlueprintSpawnerInfo[] BlueprintSpawners (readonly)
Added in version 1.945.
List of blueprint spawners on the ship.

Fields[ | ]

LogMessages[ | ]

LuaList`1 LogMessages

Functions[ | ]

LogToHud[ | ]

Void LogToHud(System.String message)

Log[ | ]

Void Log(System.String message)

ClearLogs[ | ]

Void ClearLogs()

GetTargetInfo[ | ]

TargetInfo GetTargetInfo(Int32 mainframeIndex, Int32 targetIndex)

GetNumberOfMainframes[ | ]

Int32 GetNumberOfMainframes()

GetNumberOfTargets[ | ]

Int32 GetNumberOfTargets(Int32 mainframeIndex)

GetTargetPositionInfoForPosition[ | ]

TargetPositionInfo GetTargetPositionInfoForPosition(Int32 mainframeIndex, Single x, Single y, Single z)

GetTargetPositionInfo[ | ]

TargetPositionInfo GetTargetPositionInfo(Int32 mainframeIndex, Int32 targetIndex)

GetGravityForAltitude[ | ]

Vector3 GetGravityForAltitude(Single f)

GetTerrainAltitudeForPosition[ | ]

Single GetTerrainAltitudeForPosition(Single x, Single y, Single z)

GetTerrainAltitudeForPosition[ | ]

Single GetTerrainAltitudeForPosition(UnityEngine.Vector3 v)

GetTerrainAltitudeForLocalPosition[ | ]

Single GetTerrainAltitudeForLocalPosition(Single x, Single y, Single z)

GetTerrainAltitudeForLocalPosition[ | ]

Single GetTerrainAltitudeForLocalPosition(UnityEngine.Vector3 v)

GetTime[ | ]

Single GetTime()

GetTimeSinceSpawn[ | ]

Single GetTimeSinceSpawn()

GetGameTime[ | ]

Single GetGameTime()

RequestWaterForwards[ | ]

Void RequestWaterForwards(Single n)

TellAiThatWeAreTakingControl[ | ]

Void TellAiThatWeAreTakingControl()

RequestControl[ | ]

Void RequestControl(Int32 mode, Int32 type, Single amount)

RequestThrustControl[ | ]

Void RequestThrustControl(Int32 type)

RequestThrustControl[ | ]

Void RequestThrustControl(Int32 type, Single scale)

RequestComplexControllerStimulus[ | ]

Void RequestComplexControllerStimulus(Int32 stim)

GetConstructRightVector[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructRightVector()

GetConstructUpVector[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructUpVector()

GetConstructForwardVector[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructForwardVector()

GetConstructMaxDimensions[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructMaxDimensions()

GetConstructMinDimensions[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructMinDimensions()

GetConstructRoll[ | ]

Single GetConstructRoll()

GetConstructPitch[ | ]

Single GetConstructPitch()

GetConstructYaw[ | ]

Single GetConstructYaw()

GetVelocityMagnitude[ | ]

Single GetVelocityMagnitude()

GetForwardsVelocityMagnitude[ | ]

Single GetForwardsVelocityMagnitude()

GetVelocityVector[ | ]

Vector3 GetVelocityVector()

GetVelocityVectorNormalized[ | ]

Vector3 GetVelocityVectorNormalized()

GetConstructPosition[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructPosition()

GetConstructCenterOfMass[ | ]

Vector3 GetConstructCenterOfMass()

GetAiPosition[ | ]

Vector3 GetAiPosition(Int32 mainframeIndex)

GetLocalAngularVelocity[ | ]

Vector3 GetLocalAngularVelocity()

GetAngularVelocity[ | ]

Vector3 GetAngularVelocity()

GetAmmoFraction[ | ]

Single GetAmmoFraction()

GetFuelFraction[ | ]

Single GetFuelFraction()

GetSparesFraction[ | ]

Single GetSparesFraction()

GetHealthFraction[ | ]

Single GetHealthFraction()

IsDocked[ | ]

Boolean IsDocked()

GetHealthFractionDifference[ | ]

Single GetHealthFractionDifference(Single time)

DeployAllBalloons[ | ]

Void DeployAllBalloons()

SeverAllBalloons[ | ]

Void SeverAllBalloons()

Component_GetBlockInfo[ | ]

BlockInfo Component_GetBlockInfo(Int32 type, Int32 index)

Component_GetCount[ | ]

Int32 Component_GetCount(Int32 type)

Component_GetLocalPosition[ | ]

Vector3i Component_GetLocalPosition(Int32 type, Int32 index)

Component_GetBoolLogic[ | ]

Boolean Component_GetBoolLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index)

Component_SetBoolLogic[ | ]

Void Component_SetBoolLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index, Boolean affect)

Component_GetFloatLogic[ | ]

Single Component_GetFloatLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index)

Component_SetFloatLogic[ | ]

Void Component_SetFloatLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index, Single affect)

Component_GetIntLogic[ | ]

Int32 Component_GetIntLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index)

Component_SetIntLogic[ | ]

Void Component_SetIntLogic(Int32 type, Int32 index, Int32 affect)

Component_SetBoolLogicAll[ | ]

Void Component_SetBoolLogicAll(Int32 type, Boolean affect)

Component_SetFloatLogicAll[ | ]

Void Component_SetFloatLogicAll(Int32 type, Single affect)

Component_SetIntLogicAll[ | ]

Void Component_SetIntLogicAll(Int32 type, Int32 affect)

GetWeaponCount[ | ]

Int32 GetWeaponCount()

GetWeaponInfo[ | ]

WeaponInfo GetWeaponInfo(Int32 i)

AimWeaponInDirection[ | ]

Int32 AimWeaponInDirection(Int32 i, Single x, Single y, Single z, Int32 slot)

FireWeapon[ | ]

Boolean FireWeapon(Int32 i, Int32 slot)

GetTurretSpinnerCount[ | ]

Int32 GetTurretSpinnerCount()

GetWeaponCountOnTurretOrSpinner[ | ]

Int32 GetWeaponCountOnTurretOrSpinner(Int32 turretSpinnerIndex)

GetWeaponInfoOnTurretOrSpinner[ | ]

WeaponInfo GetWeaponInfoOnTurretOrSpinner(Int32 turretSpinnerIndex, Int32 i)

AimWeaponInDirectionOnTurretOrSpinner[ | ]

Int32 AimWeaponInDirectionOnTurretOrSpinner(Int32 turretSpinnerIndex, Int32 i, Single x, Single y, Single z, Int32 slot)

FireWeaponOnTurretOrSpinner[ | ]

Boolean FireWeaponOnTurretOrSpinner(Int32 turretSpinnerIndex, Int32 i, Int32 slot)

_GetWeaponInfo[ | ]

WeaponInfo _GetWeaponInfo(AllConstruct C, Int32 i)

_AimWeaponInDirection[ | ]

Int32 _AimWeaponInDirection(AllConstruct C, Int32 i, Single x, Single y, Single z, Int32 slot)

_FireWeapon[ | ]

Boolean _FireWeapon(AllConstruct C, Int32 i, Int32 slot)

Maths_AngleBetweenVectors[ | ]

Single Maths_AngleBetweenVectors(Single v1x, Single v1y, Single v1z, Single v2x, Single v2y, Single v2z)

Maths_AngleBetweenVectors[ | ]

Single Maths_AngleBetweenVectors(UnityEngine.Vector3 v1, UnityEngine.Vector3 v2)

QuaternionToEulerAngles[ | ]

Vector3 QuaternionToEulerAngles(UnityEngine.Quaternion q)

Maths_CreateQuaternion[ | ]

Quaternion Maths_CreateQuaternion(UnityEngine.Vector3 forwards, UnityEngine.Vector3 up)

Maths_CreateVector3[ | ]

Vector3 Maths_CreateVector3(Single x, Single y, Single z)

Maths_RotateVector3[ | ]

Vector3 Maths_RotateVector3(UnityEngine.Vector3 v, UnityEngine.Quaternion r)

GetNumberOfWarnings[ | ]

Int32 GetNumberOfWarnings(Int32 mainframeIndex)

GetMissileWarning[ | ]

MissileWarningInfo GetMissileWarning(Int32 mainframeIndex, Int32 missileIndex)

GetLuaTransceiverCount[ | ]

Int32 GetLuaTransceiverCount()

GetLuaControlledMissileCount[ | ]

Int32 GetLuaControlledMissileCount(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex)

GetLuaTransceiverInfo[ | ]

BlockInfo GetLuaTransceiverInfo(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex)

GetLuaControlledMissileInfo[ | ]

MissileWarningInfo GetLuaControlledMissileInfo(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex)

SetLuaControlledMissileAimPoint[ | ]

Void SetLuaControlledMissileAimPoint(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex, Single x, Single y, Single z)

DetonateLuaControlledMissile[ | ]

Void DetonateLuaControlledMissile(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex)

IsLuaControlledMissileAnInterceptor[ | ]

Boolean IsLuaControlledMissileAnInterceptor(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex)

SetLuaControlledMissileInterceptorTarget[ | ]

Void SetLuaControlledMissileInterceptorTarget(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex, Int32 mainframeIndex, Int32 targetIndex)

SetLuaControlledMissileInterceptorStandardGuidanceOnOff[ | ]

Void SetLuaControlledMissileInterceptorStandardGuidanceOnOff(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex, Boolean onOff)

Crash[ | ]

Void Crash()

GetSpinnerCount[ | ]

Int32 GetSpinnerCount()

GetSpinnerInfo[ | ]

BlockInfo GetSpinnerInfo(Int32 index)

SetSpinnerSpeedFactor[ | ]

Void SetSpinnerSpeedFactor(Int32 index, Single fraction)

SetSpinnerPowerDrive[ | ]

Void SetSpinnerPowerDrive(Int32 index, Single drive)

SetDedicatedHelispinnerUpFraction[ | ]

Void SetDedicatedHelispinnerUpFraction(Int32 index, Single up)

SetSpinnerRotationAngle[ | ]

Void SetSpinnerRotationAngle(Int32 index, Single angle)

SetSpinnerContinuousSpeed[ | ]

Void SetSpinnerContinuousSpeed(Int32 index, Single speed)

SetSpinnerInstaSpin[ | ]

Void SetSpinnerInstaSpin(Int32 index, Single speed)

IsSpinnerDedicatedHelispinner[ | ]

Boolean IsSpinnerDedicatedHelispinner(Int32 index)

IsSpinnerOnHull[ | ]

Boolean IsSpinnerOnHull(Int32 index)

GetFriendlyCount[ | ]

Int32 GetFriendlyCount()

GetFriendlyInfo[ | ]

FriendlyInfo GetFriendlyInfo(Int32 index)

GetFriendlyInfoById[ | ]

FriendlyInfo GetFriendlyInfoById(Int32 id)

MoveFortress[ | ]

Void MoveFortress(UnityEngine.Vector3 direction)
Added in version 1.945.
Move fortress in any direction. Limited to 1 meter.

GetMissileInfo[ | ]

MissileInfo GetMissileInfo(Int32 luaTransceiverIndex, Int32 missileIndex)
This part of the API is unstable and subject to change. Use with caution. (Since 21:48, 29 March 2016 (UTC))
Added in version 1.945.
Get advanced missile bindings.